Look to Courts for Accurate Information

Florida’s courts handle millions of case filings every year, and some of those cases garner a lot of public interest. When a high-profile case is in the news or trending or social media, you can always look to the courts themselves for accurate information.
The Florida Supreme Court website provides updated information about current high-profile cases and an archive of previous high-profile cases.
The Appellate Case Information System (ACIS) was developed to provide public information about any case before the Florida Supreme Court or a District Court of Appeal. ACIS allows anyone to search court dockets and available case documents in all of Florida’s appellate courts at acis.flcourts.gov.
Florida’s circuit courts and clerks of court are also excellent resources for accurate and complete case information. Circuit court websites are listed on the Florida Courts website, and clerk information can be found at the Florida Court Clerks & Comptrollers website.
Courts also have their own presence on social media. They use various platforms to communicate critical information during emergency situations, provide updates on high-profile cases, explain the judicial process, and share their involvement in the community. A list of social media currently used by Florida’s courts is available on the Florida Courts website.
For the surest information about court matters, look to the courts themselves. Providing accurate and complete information about cases before the courts is one way the judicial branch achieves its mission to protect rights and liberties, uphold and interpret the law, and provide for the peaceful resolution of disputes.